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How to be an eco-friendly traveller? Tips to consider
While most travelers are always looking for ways to save money, some people are just unaware of how much money they’re spending in the first place. In this article, you’ll discover how to be an eco-friendly traveler – and maybe even save a few bucks on your next trip!
Tips to consider when traveling
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- Take public transportation whenever possible.
- Look for ways to reduce luggage weight, like packing lightly and using a soft-sided bag when possible.
- Avoid eating out at restaurants; instead, cook your meals in hostels or cheap hotels.
- Consider renting a bike or using public transportation to get around town rather than using cars or taxis.
- Do your research before departing to ensure that you take appropriate measures to minimize your environmental impact while traveling.
Consider traveling with a reusable water bottle.
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If you are traveling with a reusable water bottle, here are some tips to consider:
- Make sure the bottle is sturdy and leak-proof.
- Fill the bottle at public drinking fountains or restaurants if possible.
- Bring a refillable water bottle if you’re hiking or camping.
- Avoid plastic bottles when possible; instead, opt for stainless steel, glass, or ceramic containers.
Consider traveling with a reusable coffee cup.
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If you’re looking to be a more eco-friendly traveler, one thing you can do is consider traveling with a reusable coffee cup. By doing this, not only are you reducing your wastefulness when it comes to coffee cups, but you’re also helping to protect the environment.
Here are some tips on how to make traveling with a reusable coffee cup more environmentally friendly:
- Try to only buy drinks from places that offer reusable cups. This way, you’re less likely to use disposable cups to create more waste.
- If you have to use a disposable cup, try to recycle them as much as possible. You can either take them to a recycling center or compost them.
- Try not to buy large quantities of coffee in disposable cups. This way, you’ll be less likely to fill up multiple disposable cups and create waste.
- Carry your travel mug with you whenever possible. Not only will this reduce the amount of plastic you needlessly consume, but it will also help preserve the environment by limiting the energy needed for manufacturing new coffee mugs.
Consider bringing your bags to the store.
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If you’re planning on traveling light, consider bringing your bags to the store. Not only will this help reduce your environmental impact, but it also reduces the amount of packaging waste created by retailers. Additionally, choose reusable bags over disposable ones whenever possible – this will help the planet and save you a lot of money in the long run.
When packing for your trip, pack as lightly as possible. This means avoiding things like clothing that can be easily replaced or packed in with other items. Instead, bring items you’ll frequently need – like toothbrushes and toothpaste – and pack them in separate containers.
Finally, if you’re able to do so, try to avoid flying when possible and take public transportation instead. This not only conserves energy and resources, but it can also be more affordable than airfare.
Consider buying clothes with natural fabrics.
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Choosing clothes made from natural fabrics is one of the easiest ways to reduce your environmental impact when traveling. Not only do these fabrics require less energy to produce, but they can also be composted or recycled after use.
Here are a few tips for choosing eco-friendly clothing when traveling:
- Choose sensibly-made clothes that will last longer. Avoid clothes that are likely to tear easily, such as cotton and linen. Instead, choose durable materials such as synthetic fibers or woolen suits.
- Make sure your luggage is packed efficiently. Clothes take up a lot of space and can cost you extra if you have to pay for extra baggage at the airport. Pack all your clothing in one suitcase rather than dividing it among several bags, and pack light – you’ll save time and money this way.
- Wash clothes onsite rather than sending them off to be washed en route. This reduces the amount of water used by the machines at the laundry facilities and helps preserve scarce resources like groundwater supplies. Just ensure you dry them properly – using an electric dryer instead of airing them out can save even more energy!
- Avoid buying items made from materials that are harmful to the environment – for example, synthetic materials that release toxic fumes when they start to decompose. Instead, look for sustainable materials like bamboo or cotton twill fabric, which are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
By following these tips, you can help reduce your environmental impact when traveling – and enjoy the benefits of sustainable travel in the process!