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Tips to consider when buying water-repellent sneakers
There are many different types of sneakers out on the market today. Some of them might be more durable and resistant to wearing down over time, while others might offer a better range of colors or patterns. If you’re wondering what kind would work best for you, this article is here!
Types of Sneakers
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When buying sneakers, it’s important to consider the type of water repellent they have. There are two main types of water-repellent: solvent-based and oil-based.
Solvent-based repellents remove the oil or grease that makes feet sweat, so sneakers treated with this type of repellent will be water-resistant, odorless, and stain-free. However, these treatments can often leave a strong chemical smell on sneakers, which may not be desirable for some people.
Oil-based repellents use natural oils to ward off moisture and odors. These treatments are less likely to leave a chemical smell on sneakers, but they may not be as water-resistant as solvent-based repellents. Additionally, these treatments can sometimes cause sneaker colors to fade over time.
When choosing a water-repellent sneaker, it is important to consider both the type of repellent used and the specific needs of the shoe. For example, if you plan on hiking in your sneakers frequently, it might be worth investing in a pair specifically designed for hiking purposes.”
Water-repellent Materials
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When shopping for water-repellent sneakers, consider the material and construction. Water-repellent materials can be found in various forms, such as fabrics and rubber compounds. Some sneakers are also treated with a water-repellent finish, which makes them less prone to getting wet.
The material used in a sneaker’s construction can also affect its water resistance. For example, mesh fabric and perforated leather are more porous and allow liquids and moisture to pass easily. This means they won’t keep you as dry as shoes made from other materials, like suede or canvas.
Another factor to consider is the sneaker’s finish. A water-repellent finish on a sneaker will help it resist getting wet, but it won’t always remain effective over time. If you plan on using your sneakers frequently in wet conditions, choose a shoe with a durable finish, like an oil or wax treatment.
What Features to Look for in a Sneaker?
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When shopping for water-repellent sneakers, it is important to consider the sneakers’ features. The following are some important factors to look for:
- Water-repellent material: A water-repellent material will help keep your feet dry and protected from rain or snow. Some materials used in sneakers are rubber, neoprene, and PVC.
- Good arch support: Good arch support will help prevent instability in the foot while walking or running. Finding sneakers with a Kevlar or other synthetic fabric reinforcement is also important for extra protection.
- Sole construction: The sole construction of a sneaker should be sturdy and provide a good grip when wet or icy. Look for sneakers with a TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) or EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) design, as these materials are strong and durable.
How to Properly Clean Watersport Shoes?
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You should keep a few things in mind when keeping your sneakers water-repellent. First, ensure the material is treated with a water-repelling agent. Second, clean them regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and pollen. Finally, store them properly, so they remain effective against moisture.
To clean water-repellent sneakers:
- Immediately after use, gently wipe sneakers clean with a damp cloth or sponge. DO NOT USE SOAP OR A DETERGENT!
- If necessary, treat the surface with a water-repelling agent before wiping clean.
- Wipe down the shoe exterior with a soft cloth or horsehair brush if necessary (dirt and pollen will accumulate on the exterior).
- Store sneakers in an airtight container out of direct sunlight and moisture accumulation.